At Motivosity, we call ourselves ‘MVers’ (pronounced Movers). What we do, we do with the intent of making a positive impact in the world. We think people need to be happier about being at work. Some companies will do anything to make a buck. Not us. What we do has to deliver noticeable value to our customers, or we throw it out.

As a company, we commit to neither discriminate against our employees’ personal beliefs, infringe on their constitutional rights, or invade their medical privacy.

This job description is not for a specific position. Sometimes we meet someone who we just know is a mver and has to be on our team. We then figure out what the right place is and then figure out a way to make it happen.

So what makes a mver? We have three company values. They are: Love what you do, Stay young, and Serve always.

Love what you do

Nobody at Motivosity has ‘just a job’. Your love of your craft has already started long ago. Your passion for what you do shows up in your attention to details, the way you light up when you talk about relevant topics, and how you interact with people around you regarding the work. Your love of what we do has also already started - perhaps you’ve felt the pain of neglected coworkers around you in other companies or perhaps you’ve become enamored with the impact of positive psychology in the workplace and have decided that if you ever had a chance to promote it to the world that you would. If these things apply, you’re 1/3 MVer already.

Stay young

How often do you do something fun for no other reason than because it’s fun? Staying young has nothing to do with age - it has everything to do with your outlook on life and your willingness to explore life with energy and optimism. We think that cutting loose is an important part of work life - enough so that if you don’t/can’t/won’t, you’re just not going to feel comfortable around us.

Serve always

There’s no such thing as ‘the little people’. Period. This applies to customers or employees of our customers. This applies to members of our team. This also applies to everyone in your life. The one thing you will take with you on your life journey is the impact you make on other people’s lives though kindness and service. If you ask a MVer what’s something they did to serve someone else in the last few days, you’re going to get an answer.

If you’re a MVer, and we don’t have a specific job posted right now for your line of work, no worries. Apply here. Tell us what you love to do. Tell us why you think you're a MVer. These applications will be reviewed by people who know how to think outside the box.